Jobs near Lahore
Business Development Lead
Get AI-powered advice o this job ad more exclusive features. is a multi-vedor olie B2B wholesale marketplace that eables iteratioal...
Senior Business Development Executive / Business Development Manager - IT Software Services
Seior Busiess Developmet Executive / Busiess Developmet Maager - IT Software ServicesKodex Techologiesis lookig for experieced...
Marketing Expert & Google PPC (Consultant)
Marketig Expert & Google PPC (Cosultat)About EaseCloud
At EaseCloud, we are a rapidly growig techology compay providig cuttig-edge cloud-based...
General Manager Finance - II
About the job Geeral Maager Fiace - II
Job Resposibilities:
Cash flow Fud Maagemet. Accoutig & Reportig.
Budgetig & forecastig aalysis of...
Deputy General Manager Sales and Marketing
Deputy Geeral Maager Sales ad MarketigCompay Descriptio
SkyView Tow Lahore is a prestigious developmet project by Habib Rafiq (PVT.)...
Senior Interior Designer (Canada-Based Company)
Compay Overview:
HifiNet is a sister cocer of a reowedCaadia reovatio compay , specializig i high-ed kitche ad home reovatio...
Director, Public Affairs
The Public Affairs Director positio will be a geeralist role maily resposible for the Public Affairs fuctio while also supportig o-groud commuicatios...
Real Estate Sales Executive (Female)
Job Overview:
We are seekig a dyamic Female Sales Executive with excellet commuicatio skills ad priorreal estate sales experiece . The...
Sales Executive - Real Estate
PFOC Properties, based i Dubai, is seekig a experieced ad dyamic Sales Executive to joi the team i the Lahore office. The ideal cadidate should...
Immigration Consultant & Client Relations Executive
Job Title: Immigratio Cosultat & Cliet Relatios Executive
Salary Rage: PKR 40,000 - 45,000 + Icetives (Ulimited earig potetial)
Locatio: Gulberg...