Jobs in Pakistan
Head of Classified Business
As Head of Classifieds at, you’ll drive reveue growth through iovative moetizatio strategies ad platform ehacemets. Leadig sales...
Technical Sales Engineer
Job Descriptio :Positio Overview:
We are seekig a highly motivated ad experieced Techical Sales Egieer to joi our dyamic team at i4Juctio...
Sr. Manager Finance
- Maage, lead, metor ad motivate a team of professioals at differet levels of hierarchy i the Accouts ad Fiace Departmet to esure optimal utilizatio...
Recruitment Executive
We are seekig a taleted Recruitmet Specialist with experiece i bulk hirig ad compulsive hirig strategies. The ideal cadidate will play a pivotal...
Manager Quality Assurance
Maager Quality Assurace
Komkosult (Pvt) Limited, PakistaHas worked o-hads i telecom deploymet for over 3 years. Has kowledge of customer...
Branch Manager - Islamic Banking
Job ResposibilitiesDirectly maage ad lead a marketig ad relatioship maagemet team.
Devise sales ad marketig strategies to icrease...
Head Of Operations
ICON Cosultats is hirig a Head of Operatios for oe of our cliets. We are lookig for a experieced ad results-drive professioal to lead ad streamlie...
ICT Support Engineer
ICT Support Egieer
Ovex Techologies Pakista Pvt Ltd, PakistaKey areas of resposibility:
Maagemet, admiistratio ad maiteace of all...
Corporate Sales Manager
Develop sales strategy to achieve orgaizatioal sales goals ad reveues
Grow compay clietele through etworkig ad past cliets
Show diligece i...
Deputy Legal Advisor
State Bak of Pakista
Excellet Career Opportuities
State Bak of Pakista (SBP), the Cetral Bak, is lookig for taleted ad eergetic cadidates...